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Social Justice Lecture Series at SMC Offers Eclectic Lineup

Bob Kronovetrealty
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By Lookout Staff

February 28, 2023 -- What do Marilyn Monroe and the Pico Neighborhood have in common? The theme of social justice, which will be explored during a lecture series at Santa Monica College this spring.

The Social Justice Series also includes a workshop in strategic conflict intervention and a talk about transgender representation in the media, series organizers said.

The free presentations, talks and discussions "explore the concept of social justice and a variety of aspects, issues, and developments affecting and shaping it in today’s world."

The series kicks off March 9 at 11 a.m. in Stromberg Hall (HSS 165) on the main SMC Campus with "The Mystique of Marilyn Monroe," a presentation by Greg Schreiner, who has been president of the Marilyn Remembered fan club since 1982.

Schreiner will take guests "on a journey through the life of Marilyn Monroe, highlighting her efforts to eliminate racial injustice and her drive to fight for the rights of women in the 1950s," organizers said.

"An early feminist, Monroe formed her own production company when this was unheard of in the movie business, and fought against the movie studios to make pictures of quality and substance."

Schreiner will share a selection of items once owned by Monroe, and the talk will include music of Monroe's career played live on piano.

The series continues March 14 at 11 a.m. with "Inside the Mind of a Mediator: Strategic Conflict Intervention," a live online workshop led by Liora Paniz, MDR.

"There is no dispute, disagreement, or misunderstanding that cannot benefit from conflict intervention and de-escalation skills," organizers said.

The workshop "presents a unique combination of traditional mediation concepts and differing perspectives, and includes hands-on practice of mediation exercises in small groups." (For a live link on event date/time visit

On April 5 at 10 a.m. in Room 202 on the SMC Malibu Campus there will be a screening and discussion of "We Were All Here," a documentary that examines the history of Santa Monica's Pico Neighborhood.

Artist and director Dan Kwong will discuss the collaborative video project produced with artist Paulina Sahagun. A Q&A and panel discussion with Kwong and descendants of those featured in the documentary follow the screening.

The series concludes May 23 at 11:15 a.m. with a conversation about transgender representation in the media with actor Elliot Fletcher, who has had roles in "The Fosters" and "Shameless."

Fletcher will talk about "the challenges of growing up without seeing on-screen possibilities for himself, and his efforts to change perspectives in the motion picture industry."

The event location will be noted in the May 23 listing at

All programs are subject to change without notice, and new speakers may be added to the series. Up-to-date details are posted at and available by calling 310-434-4100.

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