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Santa Monica College Art Exhibit Captures Faces of 'Invisible Women'


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By Lookout Staff

July 17, 2018 -- Portraits that capture the "feel" of "invisible women" will be on display at the Santa Monica College Emeritus Art Gallery starting next week, exhibit organizers said.

“Faces of Invisible Women,” a solo exhibition of works created by Emeritus faculty member Chris Hero, portrays those who are "‘invisible’ in society because they are over 70 years of age," organizers said.
Portrait in Chris Hero Exhibit

The exhibit opens with a free reception next Thursday and runs through September 19 at the gallery, which is located on the first floor of the SMC Emeritus Campus, 1227 Second Street.

In his series of portraits, Hero says he did not set out to paint a photographic likeness, but to capture "a more expressionist ‘feel’ of each sitter.”

“I am choosing to look at older women’s faces,” Hero said. “As they are. Not as a cautionary tale about vanity. Or as a joke, ‘see the old lady saying outrageous things.’

"Not as a metaphor, and not as a yardstick with which to compare youth.”

Most of his sitters are older than 80 reflect the 'history of our sociaty," Hero said.

“All are active, hale, interesting people,” he said. “They have been places. Done things. They have stories to tell.

"The history of our society is in these women, in their faces. Why don’t we see these faces?”

Hero, who works from a studio in Venice, is a former art instructor at Loyola Marymount University (LMU).

His solo exhibitions have included "paintings of impromptu roadside shrines, scenes of police brutality and urban landscapes," organizers said.

“My goal in all the art making I’ve ever done has been to effect some degree of social change,” said Hero.

“Since I’m not good at political organizing, I’ve always looked to art work, and painting in particular, as my angle into an issue.”

They have been exhibited in the Helms Bakery in Culver City, the Unitarian/Universalist Church of Santa Monica, Academy Gallery in New Orleans and Artemisia Gallery in Chicago.

SMC Emeritus Gallery hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. For information, please call 310-434-4306.


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