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Another Crash in Accident Prone Stretch of Sunset Park

By Olin Ericksen
Staff Writer

August 16 -- Traffic was halted in an accident-prone intersection of Ocean Park Boulevard after two cars collided shortly after rush hour Tuesday.

The intersection at Ocean Park Boulevard near 16th Street is one of several in the area City officials are considering redesigning after a number of accidents on the major traffic artery.

No serious injuries were reported when a black-mint 1960s impala was t-boned by a sedan turning left onto 16th street, City officials said.

On most days, between 17,000 and 19,000 vehicles travel along Ocean Park Boulevard between 14th and 18th Streets, according to City traffic planners.

In response to a request by businesses in the Sunset Park neighborhood, City officials held a meeting with residents in the area in early May, but have not yet moved forward with a plan. (see story)

The City must first hire consultants to assist in a design, which will focus on safety, parking and aesthetics, Beth Rolandson, a senior traffic planner said Tuesday.

“I’m reticent to give a timeline, but we hope to get (consultants) on board in the next couple months,” she said. “They’ll likely provide the range of expertise needed” for the urban design and traffic analysis the project requires.

“Right now, we just don’t have enough staff to do everything in house,” Ronaldson said.

No meetings with residents and businesses will be set until consultants are hired, she said.

Another community meeting will likely be held after a proposed redesign for the stretch of road has been completed by consultants and the City, Ronaldson said.

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