The LookOut Letters to the Editor
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Listen to Those Who Knew Miguel

January 4, 2007

Dear Editor:

This letter is to set the record straight regarding Mr. Olin Ericksen’s article “Victim of Gang Violence Remembered,” addressing the life of our beloved friend Miguel Martin.

In the article, Mr. Ericksen discusses the life of Miguel, depicting his life through the eyes of others. All was well until I came across the words of the new Santa Monica Police Chief Tim Jackman stating that Miguel was “a low level gang member” and that as our Chief he “can't afford to have people think this was a sweet little innocent kid.”

I personally find what he said to be not only false information but also very offensive to not only Miguel but to his family, friends, and to the entire “Pico Neighborhood” (as you people like to refer to our community).

Though much of the information provided in the article was accurate, the statement made by Chief Jackman certainly was not. I knew Miguel very well -- having grown up with him in the neighborhood -- and I just could not sit back and read the remarks made by the “new” Chief of Police downgrade my friend in the manner in which he did.

I certainly hope this letter reaches the necessary recipients so that Miguel and family receive a much needed apology on behalf of the “new Chief.”

On a final note, in 2006 two young men were shot three blocks away from each other -- Eddie Lopez and Miguel Martin -- both murdered on Pico Boulevard . It is interesting to see how we as a society value certain lives more than others.

Miguel Martin has not received the press coverage that he deserves in order to bring the culprits to justice -- no L.A. Times story by J.A. Adande, no positive press coverage by the Santa Monica Daily Press, and furthermore insensitive remarks by the “new Chief” Jackman.

Maybe if people took the time to hear from individuals that worked alongside Miguel Martin they would receive a clearer picture of what this young man meant to so many. Miguel -- you will be missed, and your community will not allow individuals to tarnish your image in a negative way!

Thank you.

Richard Jaurgui

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