The LookOut Letters to the Editor
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The Promise of Edgemar Center

April 21, 2003

Dear Editor,

Thank you for your informative article about the Edgemar Center for the Arts -- just a few corrections.("Curtain to Finally Rise on New Arts Center," March 17)

The first is minor. We call it simply Edgemar, like an old friend, not “The Edgemar,” which makes it sound a little too snooty and exclusive.

The second is more substantive. In order to have a museum in Edgemar we had to start one. A small band of dedicated individuals, including artist Tom Eatherton, who showed me the building and suggested its use as a museum, got together and hammered out plans, consulting with members of the Los Angeles art community to see what was needed, writing by-laws, and hiring a director whose salary I personally guaranteed for the first two years.

The museum enjoyed 8-1/2 years of rent-free tenure at Edgemar before moving to larger digs at Bergamot Station.

Thank you also for the wonderful picture.

I am sure the promise of the Edgemar Center for the Arts will be fulfilled and we will all be the happier and wiser for it.


Abby Sher

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